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EpiSapien - Focus on People

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EpiSapien Portcullis is a managed file transfer solution for full lifecycle control of eCommerce via files.

Portcullis is managed via a web interface that makes it easy to setup. Once setup, Portcullis is designed to be self-diagnosing and self-correcting. It is designed to run unassisted for months even years without exceeding limits.

Portcullis can be made to allow your recipients to view file transfer logs, file transfer schedules, and reconcilliation logs in order to perform assurance.

Portcullis works with existing file transfer systems such as Connect:Direct, FTP, S/FTP, and SSH/SCP. It is highly configurable and can use 3rd party tools as well.

Portcullis is a key part of your solution for Sarbannes-Oxley compliance. All transfers are logged extensively in easy-to-review audit logs. Reporting is also easy to perform, using either built-in or custom reports.